Business Change Programmes
Business change can be a complex, multi-faceted undertaking.
It can be deceptively hard to achieve. Many, if not most, change
programmes fall short of their expectations and objectives.
Aspects of Business Change
There are many aspects which
might be a focus of change or affected by a change elsewhere. For
- People: the skills, competencies,
knowledge and behaviours of the workforce that equip them
to conduct business in the most effective manner
- Strategy: the organisation's strategy -
its mission, vision, goals, objectives, key performance
indicators and modus operandi
- Product: products or services offered
- Process: the method by which business
operations are conducted
- Culture: the beliefs, attitudes and
behaviours of the leadership and workforce that give this
organisation a unique character
- Structure: organisational structures,
divisions, departments, roles, responsibilities, job
- Technology: IT applications, systems,
hardware, technical infrastructure, transaction
processing, information management, automation,
equipment, machinery
- Market: Marketplaces for the
organisation's products and services, their
characteristics, their value and how best to approach
- Customers: customers the organisation
seeks to transact with, for which products or services,
using which methods
- Channels to Market: how the organisation
communicates and transacts with its customers
- Regulation: legal requirements and other
regulations the organisation is obliged to follow in its
various spheres of business and locations
- Suppliers: providers of products and
services to the organisation, using what processes and
technology, and under what terms
- Geography: geographical areas in which
the organisation operates
- Facilities: locations, premises,
equipment, infrastructure, service providers, support and
- Partners: collaborative ventures with
other organisations
- Knowledge: knowledge and information the
organisation has access to, how it is harnessed, how it
is exploited
- Research & Development: activities
to develop leading-edge products, services and methods of
- Funding: sources, methods and terms of
investment funding for the business change or ongoing
- Ownership: how the organisation (or part
of the organisation) is owned and controlled - its legal
form, stakeholders, relationships with associated
organisations, executive structure
When we speak of the aspects of a business change we might
mean any or all of these. Moreover, we often find several
significant aspects within one of these headline aspects. For
- there might be different major areas of technology
development required (eg web store-front, call centre,
supply chain integration, integration with financial
- there might be different new facilities required (re-siting
warehouses, building a global call centre)
- there might be different marketplace, cultural and
regulatory considerations in different countries
- we might need to distinguish between things done at
different times in the overall change programme.
We need to recognise each significant aspect and guide its
progress through the change journey. Each will take its own
course, but form an essential part of the overall transition.
The Change Journey
Business change is a difficult journey into the unknown.
However well we imagine the destination and however well we plan
the trip, we can be sure that things will work out differently.
The further we are into the journey, the less likely it is that
we will have held to our original plans and expectations. We can
usually see what is immediately ahead, but we must climb to the
next ridge before we know what the next stage will look like.
By the time we reach the destination it might well look very
different to our expectations. Maybe it is not even the
destination we intended and, maybe, we do not want to or cannot
stop travelling when we get there.
Programme Management
Business change programmes involve activities across an
organisation, addressing different aspects of the business,
following a complex timetable. These activities are blended by
the programme management team to deliver the overall collective
The programme management team needs to act as
visionaries, entrepreneurs, politicians, ambassadors, coaches and
planners, as well as controlling the individual project managers.
Programme managers concern themselves with every matter that
collectively adds to the success of the business change
initiative. They will act with direct power from the board,
cutting across organisational divisions.
Programme management is a highly specialised
skill. It requires great experience to derive optimum benefit
from a change programme. Given a choice, look for the manager who
knows how to deal with transformational business change rather
than one who is only specialised in one aspect such as the
industry or technology.